Edited by Miguel Rojas-Sotelo and Rafael A. Osuba. March 2021.
Sergio Sánchez Santamaría is the heir to the famous Taller de Gráfica Popular (TGP) in México. GRAPHIC IN TRANSIT responds to the question of how to sustain and actualize such a legacy in times in which art has moved away from image production and the socially engaging ways of the past. This volume presents the work of Sánchez Santamaría in a historical and critical context, next to some of the most important exponents of graphic art in Mexico and the U.S., among then Leopoldo Méndez and Elizabeth Catlett.
Watch Wednesday at the Center talk "Socially Engaged Art in the Era of Black Lives Matter with Sergio Sánchez Santamaría.
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Be Patient | Se Paciente: Artistic and Medical Entanglements in the Work of Libia Posada
Rojas-Sotelo, Miguel, editor
Be Patient | Se Paciente: Artistic and Medical Entanglements in the Work of Libia Posada introduces critically the work of this important visual cultural producer who is also a physician. Posada's oeuvre expands for three decades attending to issues of trauma, PTSD, social engagement and social medicine, domestic violence, force displacement, and situated traditional knowledge. Her work uses drawing (on and with medical materials), installation (mimicking clinical spaces), photography and mapping (as alternative constructions of bodies and geographies). Four essays investigate on her double practice and brings her work to a diverse audience. This is the first monograph of this important Latin American (Colombian) artist to reach a global public. tags: medical anthropology, contemporary art, social medicine, health humanities, humanities, visual arts, latin american art, art criticism, art history, colombia, trauma studies.
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Pop América, 1965-1975

Gabara, Esther, et all.
Pop América, 1965–1975 accompanies the first traveling exhibition to stage Pop art as a hemispheric phenomenon. The richly illustrated catalogue reveals the skill with which Latin American and Latino/a artists adapted familiar languages of mass media, fashion, and advertising to create experimental art in a startling range of mediums. In a new era in hemispheric relations, artists enacted powerful debates over what “America” was and what Pop art could do, offering a radical new view onto the postwar “American way of life” and Pop’s presumed political neutrality.
Irrupciones, compresiones, contravenciones. Arte contemporáneo y política cultural en Colombia

Rojas-Sotelo, Miguel. (2017). Ed. Uniandes, Bogotá.
Miguel Rojas-Sotelo reflects on the changes brought about by the Constitution of 1991 to the culture of his native country. His book explains how the new national Constitution shaped cultural policies and the production of visual art, literature, and mass media.