July 15, 2020 – Arturo Escobar: Pluriversal Politics, The Real and the Possible

Arturo Escobar in conversation with Emmanuel Rozental-Klinger. (YouTube)

Cover of Pluriversal Politics by Arturo Escabar

Arturo Escobar is one of the most important cultural anthropologists of his generation. His research focuses on political ecology, ontological design, and the anthropology of development, social movements, and technoscience. His books include Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World and the forthcoming Designs for the Pluriverse: Radical Interdependence, Autonomy, and the Making of Worlds. Emmanuel Rozental-Klinger (M.D) is a physician and surgeon, author, and activist in Indigenous and popular movements of the continent. Founder of the Tejido de Comunicación [Communications Team] of the Association of Indigenous Councils of Northern Cauca (ACIN). Founder and member of the Pueblos en Camino initiative, weaving resistance and autonomy between peoples and processes. “As inequality and environmental degradation worsen, the search is not only for alternative development models but also for alternatives to development itself. Post-development challenges the idea that all countries must develop along Western capitalist lines according to these dictates.”

Fall 2020-Fall 2021 – Environmental Peacebuilding in Colombia
image of banner for Environmental Peacebuilding in Colombia

The Duke Center for International and Global Studies, Rethinking Diplomacy Program presents a series of webinars, a conference, and policy dialogue on Environmental Peacebuilding in Colombia. Since the peace agreement signed by the Colombian Government and the FARC-EP (the oldest guerrilla in the world) in 2016, peace-building efforts have been having a transversal component that is related to the management of the rich environment and natural resources of the South American nation.

Organized by the Environmental Peacebuilding Association(link is external)Duke University Center for International & Global Studies/Rethinking Diplomacy Program (DUCIGS/RDP), the Global Green Growth Institute(link is external), and the Environmental Law Institute(link is external), the series touches on some of the challenges and opportunities of this major case study on diplomacy, nation and peace building, and environmental policy.    

Fall 2019 – Environmental Film Series, Sept 20-21

During the 2019 North Carolina Latin American Film Festival, a two-day event of short films screened titles centered around the environment of Latin America and the Caribbean.

Poster for From the Land to Your Table

Grazing the Amazon
Dir. by Marco Isensee e Sa. Brazil. 2018. In Portuguese, English with English subtitles. 50 min.

Forest Law
Dir. by Ursula Biemann. Switzerland/Ecuador. 2018. Spanish, Quichua with English subtitles. 32 min.

From the Land to your Table | Que culpa tiene el tomate?  
Dir. by Jorge Coira, Alejo Hoijman, Josué Méndez, Marcos Loayza Montoya, Carolina Navas, Alejandra Szeplaki, Paola Vieira. Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Spain, Venezuela. 2011. Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, Aymara with English Subtitles. 107 min.

Low Hanging Fruit
Dir. by Kaley Clements. Mexico/USA/China. 2019. 50 min.