All CLACS travel grantees (this includes undergraduate students, graduate students, and faculty) are required to do the following:
1. Check for IRB compliance - Federal regulations and university policies require Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval for research with human subjects. Failure to obtain proper approval in advance may jeopardize your data, prevent you from publishing the results, and place you and the university in violation of federal regulations. For more details, click here.
2. Review Duke's International Travel Policy.
3. Review Travel Warnings - Consult the Duke Restricted Regions List. As a general rule, undergraduates are not to travel to locations on this list for Duke-sponsored, Duke-administered, and Duke-approved programs, or for Duke credit (including transfer credit).
4. Register at the Duke International Travel Registry.
As a general rule, CLACS award monies will not be released until we receive written proof of IRB approval or exemption as well as written proof that you have registered with the International Travel Registry.