2022 (Fall) Sebastián Carassai, Professor of Introduction to the Knowledge of Society and the State at the Universidad de Buenos Aires; Researcher at the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research; Member of the Center for Intellectual History at the Universidad Nacional de Quilmes.
2020 (Spring) Silvio Luiz de Almeida, Associate Professor of Law and Philosophy, Getulio Vargas Foundation and Mackenzie Presbyterian University, São Paulo, Brazil. Faculty sponsor: John French
2018 Renzo Taddei, Assistant Professor of Anthropology at the Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil
2018 Jill Anderson, Director of the non-profit, Otros Dreams en Acción (ODA). Faculty Sponsor: Liliana Paredes
2017 Irma Alicia Velásquez Nimatuj, Anthropologist and Human Rights Activist from Guatemala. Faculty sponsor: Diane Nelson
2016 Ildo Sauer, Energy expert from Brazil. Faculty sponsors: Patrick Duddy and Dalia Patiño
2015 Patricia Northover, Economist from Jamaica. Faculty sponsor: Michaeline Crichlow
2014 Maria Alejandra Vélez, Economist from Colombia, Faculty sponsor: Alex Pfaff
2013 Edouard Duval Carrié, Artist from Haiti (based in Miami), Faculty sponsors: Laurent Dubois and Deborah Jenson
2012 Alexandre Fortes, Labor Historian from Brazil, Faculty sponsor: John French
2011 Catherine Walsh, Anthropologist based in Ecuador, Faculty sponsor: Walter Mignolo
2010 Jean Casimir, former Haitian Ambassador to the US and Sociologist/Anthropologist, Faculty sponsors: Laurent Dubois and Deborah Jenson
2009 Sergio Roberto de Oliveira, Composer from Brazil, Faculty sponsor: Tom Moore
2008 Patricio Valdivieso, Political Scientist from Chile, Faculty sponsor: Scott Morgenstern
2007 Matthew Smith, Historian from Jamaica, Faculty sponsor: Michaeline Crichlow
2006 Sergio Berensztein, Political Scientist from Argentina, Faculty sponsor: Karen Remmer
2005 Steve Ellner, Political Scientist based in Venezuela, Faculty sponsor: John French
2004 Paulo Fontes, Labor Historian from Brazil, Faculty sponsor: John French